The Lii 15 Baffle

Lii 15 Sapele
F-15 Walnut / Sapele Magnum baffle

Lii 15 Plus room
Lii 15 Magnum baffles in Caintuck Audio listening room
Low bass supplied by a Lii Audio W-15 driver


I am now offering three baffle options
for the F-15 and Fast-15 drivers

1 –The original 7/8" thick baffles

This version is configured for front mounted drivers

Prices starting at 450.00 plus shipping

2 – The "Plus" version of the baffles
These baffles are 7/8" thick
This version is configured for rear mounted drivers and
has a "roundover" on the front side of the baffle

Prices starting at 575.00 plus shipping

3 – The "Magnum" version of the baffles
These baffles are 1 1/2" thick
This version is configured for rear mounted drivers and
has a "roundover" on the front side of the baffle

Prices starting at 750.00 plus shipping

All versions of the baffles are shipped without drivers

The drivers can be ordered directly from Lii Audio

Order drivers

Installing the drivers in the baffles only takes a few minutes
Mounting holes are pre-drilled and screws are supplied

Lii 15 Plus

F-15 Sapele Magnum baffle

Lii 15 Maple walnut Plus

F-15 Maple / Walnut Magnum baffle

Lii 15 Plus Padauk

F-15 Padauk Magnum baffle

Wenge Sapele

F-15 Wenge / Sapele Magnum baffle

Lii 15 Plus walnut

F-15 Walnut Magnum baffle

Lii 15 Magnum maple

F-15 Hard Maple Magnum baffle

Lii 15 Plus Wenge / Padauk

F-15 Wenge / Padauk Magnum baffle

Wenge Lii 15 Plus

F-15 Wenge Magnum baffle

F-15 rectanglr

F-15 Hard Maple Rectangle

F-15 walnut-sapele

F-15 Walnut / Sapele Magnum baffle

F-15 Sapele and Cherry

F-15 Sapele / Cherry Magnum baffle

F-15 African Mahogany 06122023

F-15 African Mahogany Magnum baffle

F-15 Walnut Cherry

F-15 Walnut / Cherry Magnum baffle

F-15 Magnum 02272025

F-15 Chameleon Magnum baffle

Price List

If you have any questions about these options, please email me -

Based on requests by customers for a low profile, portable open baffle
loudspeaker that produces satisfying bass, the Lii Audio
F-15 / Fast-15 baffle is now being offered by Caintuck Audio

Many thanks to Decware Audio for
the introduction to this excellent full range driver

The Lii Audio 15" drivers are mounted in the popular "low boy"
barrel shaped baffle which has a small footprint and can be
easily moved using the rear mounted convenience handles

These speakers create substantial lower midrange and
upper bass, even with low powered amplifiers
The driver is rated at 97 db sensitivity and no
power robbing crossover components are used

Instruments such as acoustic double bass, pipe organ,
electric bass, kick drum and the lower registers of piano are
reproduced with authority and lifelike scale
The lower midrange frequencies are full and rich
Vocals have excellent presence and focus
Unlike many 15" drivers, high frequencies and upper
harmonics are well extended with detail and air

The bass rolloff of these speakers is approximately 50 HZ
A powered subwoofer or powered bass baffles
can be added for bass frequencies below 50 HZ

As with all Caintuck Audio speakers, the stereo image "floats"
above the baffles extending beyond the front and side walls
of the listening room with well recorded music and the
speakers pull a very convincing "disappearing act"

They are designed to sit on the floor, so no stands are needed

The normal "break-in" time is 200 to 250 hours for peak performance

Please email me with any questions about the Lii 15s

Randy in Caintuck

To place an order :

Please send an email with your shipping address
and which speakers you wish to purchase

If you discovered Caintuck Audio on the Decware Audio website or
forum, please include this information in your email

I will email a reply with the insured shipping
for your approval
A PayPal invoice will then be sent to you

The PayPal invoice has an option to pay by credit card

A PayPal account is not needed to pay by credit card

If you wish to pay by personal check,
please specify that option
in your initial email

Shipping and handling charges

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